I think I found home!!!

Apr 15, 2007 22:13

So I went to Fordham today for the Spring Preview and I loved it once again. It was raining really hard the whole time but i still loved it. Just hearing the President speak was incredible he is really funny and when he was talking about the school i couldn't help bu think. "That is me!". He said that theyw ant us to leave Fordham being bothered everyday. They want us to be bothered knowing we don't know everything yet and be bothered by some in justice in the world. And i couldn't believe ti that is such a great way to look at it and something that already happens some days. Also everyone i talked to was so nice and the student panel talked abou tit being easy to get to manhatten and how they go like 2 times a week atleast and that was awesome because i was afraid it would be hard to get to Manhattan and stuff but its not and I get to have a real college with an amazing city. City in the gyma nd looking at all the other admitted students i was like wow there is alot of kids, but i could see my self spending for years with them. It was so diverse andi liked it that way. My mom kept saying look and see if you can see if you like the people and i was like how can i jsut look and know that i will liek them. I know iw ill make friends and jsut the campus in general made me happy even on a miserable day. Sorry i'm rambling i'm jsut really excited. I don't know for a while I feel like i don't really fit in any palce and its just so exciting to feel liek this palce could be my home for the next 4 years and it makes me feel wanted. I still ahve to go see Muhlenberg next weekend to make the rents happy and to jsut make sure i don't go on thinking what if but i'm almost positive i found my home.
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