Jun 21, 2006 12:05
Your leg won't stop shaking, the roadsigns are all a blurr
I was perfect from a spectators view, but gave it up all for her
As she lays her head back, hiding the tear in her eye
My tunnel vision deepens, I die a little hearing her cry
every sound she makes echos like a gun
Every mistake we made last night receives light with the sun
I'm no longer afraid to say goodbye, it's over
As her head is no longer held high I hold her
Her hands resting in mine, no strength in her touch
I tried helping her along, would only lengthen her crutch
Slamming on my breaks, light as red as her blood soaked shirt
I fade out, mind jumps to wondering who will go first
The blaring horn almost drives me off of the road
saying "i love you" but it was often for show
Screaming over the squeel of my tires as I brake
I pull her from the car again she's starting to shake
They tear her from my hands, I fall to my knees
Feel the vibration in my pocket I get a call from my neice
"Is she going to be alright?" I respond with of course
"honey I have to go now," "sir please get off of the floor"
The sliding doors closing behind me, she's wheeled away through the hall
I stare through the glass, they lift her hand and as it falls
My heart jumps to my throat, "clear!" she's lifted from her bed
she falls, she fails, she's dead