May 05, 2008 11:14
The end of the semester is drawing near, but that's no excuse to relax. Final exams, moving back home, saying goodbye to friends, and not know when you'll see your significant other again, are all stressors that I really don't like to deal with. Tomorrow it'll be over, and I'll be sleeping in my comfortable bed at home; but for now I'll bitch and moan about how much I hate life at this time of year.
Last night after returning to my room from a wonderfully productive study session and facebook chat session, I set my alarm clock for 6:30 and 7:00 with plans to read over my notes as I enjoyed breakfast at Chik-fi-la before my exam at 8am. That didn't happen. I really f-ed up this time around and not just because I slept through my exam, but because I remember hearing my alarm at 6:30, 7:00, and at 8:30 and several times in between. So I e-mailed the teacher, and maybe I should have made something up, but that's not me so after I begged for a make up exam or assignment I received an e-mail telling me to get over it (in so many words). So now I have two 'B's this semester. I just threw it away.
Packing up my dorm room at the end of the semester has to be one of the most annoying responsibilities ever. I've made this room somewhat of a home for the last 4 months and now I have to rip apart, only to start over next semester. And maybe I'm too sentimental, but I have so many memories in my dorm room (hmmmm ... and I don't want to let them go... hehe). Oh well, hopefully 'C' will have an apartment by the fall. "The home is where the heart is." And 'C' has my heart.
I miss everyone, can't wait to chill over the summer.
Will be in Miami, until Saturday, yay!!