May 27, 2013 10:10
There are moments when being poly leads to humor that just wouldn't happen anywhere else. I love those moments.
Yesterday, Cw, Nw and I went to take a nap together. The nap was completely kicked out of the realm of possibility because Cw had this sudden and strange round of itching that had him scrambling to scratch his head, back, side, etc for over 30 minutes. The resulting humor follows...
Cw: I swear I think I have mites!
Me: Maybes?
Nw: Possiblies?
Me: Could be, just don't have mays.
Cw: If you two don't stop, I'm gonna make you pay. (He mentions a sexual service.)
Me: But that's only for special occasions, ya know, birthdays and Christmas.
Nw: At least it's more likely.
Cw: Two cheesy bitches. That's what you two are.
Me: So am I cheddar or swiss?
Nw: That's a gouda one!
This continued on for almost an hour. We were laughing so hard my ribs hurt. Poor Cw was completely outgunned between me and Nw, but I think he must have enjoyed himself as well because he finally got the two of us snuggled against him again and chuckled and said "Only in my family."
Yes, only in this house mite we have such a gouda time being punny when we're supposed to be taking a nap.
alternative lifestyle,
just cuz,