we want you!

Mar 05, 2007 15:22

Just a reminder...

Life Meter is always looking for submissions!
We encourage people to check out our submission guidelines and then send us cool stuff!

What we ARE looking for:
A day in the life of a random videogame character. Events that could be in continuity even if you'd never really see it in the game. What was going on in the heads of these characters day in and day out as they performed these tasks? We are especially encouraging people to submit ideas for COMICS!
Even if it's just a single page story we'd love to see it. Sequential art is a huge part of what makes Life Meter fun and distinct from other fan art sites.
---But we also enjoying seeing cute, funny, or bad ass drawings!
Not just random character shots though. Pinups should strive to be unique in their subject, execution and voice. The more stylized the better! Backgrounds are always a plus too.

**If you would like to be teamed up with another writer or artist, just
let us know. There are people looking to team up!

What we are NOT looking for:
Stories about people playing videogames.
Drawings of videogame characters out of context or in the real world. We want to see them in their unique worlds. I know it would be funny to see Mario hanging out with Luciano Pavarotti or Link snowboarding...but that's not what this specific site is about.

So yeah, feel free to email us at any time:
submit (dot)lifemeter@gmail.com
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