Ah, our IT guy is coming in twenty minutes, bringing my Dad's new computer. Which means I'll get the old one, and finally have Internet in my room again. Not to mention a more powerful computer and a bigger screen. After two years of being incredibly patient I'll now be able to run Photoshop and other applications at the same time without everything stopping. Really, it's not at all inspiring to have your computer stop every time you open Photoshop. No wonder I haven't been making anything lately. And I'll have a computer powerful enough to play The Sims 2 and import RAW-files from my camera. Whee, D80 images on MY computer! Okay, now it sounds like I've really suffered with my old computer, which I haven't. It just gets a bit annoying when you can hardly run Firefox and iTunes at the same time...
I can't stop laughing at this:
Espen Echbo on Rikets Røst (it's in Norwegian). In moments like these I love learning history (I also loved it the other day, when they had a joke about Harry Truman and World War 2 on That 70's Show).