Jan 01, 2004 15:14
Here I am, looking down the barrel at another year. I don't really make resolutions normally. But I decided to make a few for this year.
1.) I resolve to spend more time with Jared, not matter what it takes. And to be more impulsively romantic with him.
2.) I resolve to have more confidence in myself and to not beat myself when I don't get a job or when I make a mistake.
I have a feeling I can keep these resolutions. They're not the usual "I want to lose weight" crap that most people say. This is true, meaningful stuff. It's easy to go back on a resolution when it's frivalous and doesn't mean a lot. You know what I mean?
On to my New Year's Eve.....every N.Y.E Jared and I go out to dinner. It's a tradition we've had even before we started dating. So we went out to dinner and then we went to my friend's house. She was having a little get together for friends. There weren't many people there which I actually prefered. We planned on going to Times square and I knew it was going to be a fucking mad house, so it was cool to kick off the evening with a smaller party.
Eventually we made our way to Times Square. There not much to say about that. It was packed and loud and a bit much. Maybe I'm getting old. haha. We went to another party for awhile but I didn't feel like staying out too late so at about 2:00 Jared and I came home. I ended up going to bed around 3:30 and then we had to be up at 9:00 for breakfast with my mom. It was a good night. Next year we might skip the partying and just invite some friends over for movies and dinner or something.