Nov 29, 2006 20:45
It's been a while since I've posted properly in here. I feel lately that the events of my life don't really belong in here. My Livejournal isn't for reminding people of problems, and it's not for me to rant about problems that aren't even my own. I've been dealing with a considerable amount of different things between school, pathfinders, my friends here, and my friends on the South Shore, and I'm really feeling the strain from it, physically and emotionally. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester so that I can just have a break from everything to get myself back together again.
First, though, I have to survive the dreaded 'Week Fifteen'. That's right. Week Fifteen. The last full week of the semester, during which EVERYTHING is wrapping up, everything is due, and very little sleep is had, so you wind up completely exhausted just in time for exams! Gotta love week fifteen. Here's what I have planned:
Monday: Phys ed final test, phys ed presentation, linear algebra test, and bandersnatch production. Also, the last physics lab report is due.
Tuesday: Bio quiz, bio in-class essay, bandersnatch production.
Wednesday: STUDY DAY in preparation for the Thursday and Friday of doom...
Thursday: English test, physics test, pathfinders
Friday: Humanities research essay (7 pages) due
Because biology labs are now finished, I might just not go into school that Wednesday. Math review classes are really lost time with Boshuck as a teacher. I feel that either I'm listening and some of the information is getting through, but not getting written down, or I'm trying frantically to write everything down and not taking anything in. Either way, the effects are not long-term learning. I'm better off at home doing things independently. Besides, I need all of Wednesday to get my essay done and to study for those two tests.
After Week Fifteen, I still have my last biology test to get out of the way, which happens on the 12th. Then exams start on the 13th, so my two remaining weekends, as well as any in-between time are going to be spent studying like crazy. I get the feeling that I'm not going to be very social, so I apologise to you all in advance if I have to back out of stuff that I've said I'll go to. Hopefully I won't have to, but I refuse to fail anything because I want to finish cegep next semester, and failing things will obviously not help.
I really am looking forward the to the Christmas break...can you tell? :)