Title: Nobless Oblige (or, I Knew That the Lights of the City Were Too Heavy For Me)
Paring: Kyoko/Haru
Rating: R
Words: ~2500
Warnings: Violence, Disfunctional relationships, Experimental characterization, Torture, confusing flashbacks, writing style discrepancies.
Prompt: "Haru/Kyoko - Cake, co-dependency, and guns. Kyoko and Haru realise as time
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There is a detail that bothered me, although it was in the other one you wrote. There was a line about how Kyoko aspired to be anything she wasn't, only better worded, but in any case it doesn't quite jive with my interpretation of her. I've always imagined that she's quite comfortable with the idea of being herself, with whatever comes with it.
Kyoko seems hard to write for everyone. She's only had a brief cameo in one thing I've written, and I kept revising what little she did in it over and over and never was quite happy with it. (Oddly, when I was writing genderbent Ryoko-centric drabbles, as a boy he came much easier, but even then I wasn't really sure.) It might just be because she's not a forward enough character to convey all of herself in what screentime she has.
I think you typoed again, but since you told me a "not" should be there, I can piece it together myself. No problem |D
Ugh, I know. I puzzled over a lot of scenes before I just had to let them go as is lest they be scrapped. Yeah, she's way more subtle than Haru who gets about her same amount of screen time and is relatively easy to work with, so that might be a big factor.
...I did, didn't I. 'She will never endeavor to anything she is not' There. That should do it. Why must my keyboard betray me!?
Kyoko just doesn't really get the plot relevance she deserves. Or ought to even if she didn't deserve it. You'd think she'd show up more, being the main love interest and a Guardian's sibling, but nooo. /butthurt
Keyboards are secretly evil.
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