Good stuff.. bad stuff.. but mostly good stuff!

Mar 16, 2003 18:17

For all of you that have listened to my bitching for probably a good time now.. thank you. You don't have to though anymore.. no more bitching.. happy joe! =) But seriously all of my friends.. you are the best! First of all, for the record, andy is the best roommate a guy could ever ask for.. he is and will be my best friend for a loong time to come so back off y'all! Then who can forget heather and lisa over at gvsu (great weekend thanks guys!), or meg over at OU (I miss you!) or the guys at western like jenny and mcconnel. Then there's Kris and matt and the whole krew including but not limited to Kemppy, Tankie, Bernstein and everyone else only the MOST fuckin love! Then there's all my friends here and to the guys in lifeline.. my life would not be what it is today without you... if i didn't mention you.. it might be because you suck and never talk to me anymore but probably not.. ask me.. i'll tell you!

All in all, life is good. School is hard.. but rewarding. I love my family. I can't wait to attack Traverse City.. someone buy my house. My band is more than i could have ever hoped for.. our cd should be done and out of the studio in less than 2 weeks.. we're playing April 4th and Steve-o's new and improved venue.. more info to come on WELL i think that's all for now.. thanks everyone.. you mean so much to me.
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