Apr 07, 2004 15:15
Today was a blah kinda d.ay. not a bad day just a numb day. yesterday was so much fun! immmm stuck, immmm suck again! lol krys i love u! we have so much fun together! the only times theres problems is when ur friends are ova, dont get mad about this but thats kinda fucked up cuz my friends dont start shit wit u and make u cry! because they fuckin no better idk why u dont put them in line. its like u dont even care. i know u didnt at the jack and jill u jus ignored me completey. u dont even know what happend earlier that day unless shawn told which idk if he would or wouldnt. i mean ull take their side and not ur best friends of 5 years? weve been through everything together! fights, cheerleading (lets not go there again) to me crying all night and u not even knowing or caring but wen anything happend to u im always by ur side pickin u up and helpin u out of it no matter what! no matter how much shit i get for it no matter how painful it may be for me! im there! but w/e yesterday damien said the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me! he asked my why i was sad at the jack and jill! i almost started crying again no one is ever that sweet sure hes only 4 but i love him so much!!!! no one ever askes me things like that if they did id tell them so clearly no one cares! but once he said that i was like omg damien is the (personality wise) the exact person i want to b with. and im not a pedifile! but i asked him to marry me. at first he said no i need to marry someone older than me! so we agreed not to get married till he was older! but we're engaged now so watch out all u guys that want this ( yeah like thats anyone) im taken! and my man will kick ur ass!! LOL my 4 year old man!! hahaha
I<3you all no matter what i do or say