
Oct 28, 2005 21:18

Q: Do you like furry puppies in your mouth?
A: Yes. There's nothing like little puppy's for breakfast to make the day ahead much better.

Q: What is the strangest device or animal that has ever been inserted into a person?
A: I don't know...but this one time, at band camp...

Q: After you stick your finger up your butthole, do you sniff it?
A: Why am I stickin' my finger there in the first place? I don't even wanna know. Damn...I shouldn't have gotten drunk last night!

Q: If someone were to suddenly give you a brain, what would you do with it?
A: I'd put it in a jar and call it Fred. I'd teach Fred to walk, talk, sing, dance, play video games, talk smooth to the ladies, eat puppies, and take showers.

Q: What small mammal would you put in your pants?
A: An otter. I have no effin' clue.

Q: What better thing for the world could you be doing besides taking this survey?
A: I could be saving the world from scabies! Taking one out at a time.

Q: Do you think these surveys are pointless?
A: Yes, yes I do...but for some reason I keep doing them.

Q: Are you right-brain or left-brain dead?
A: Lefted-brain dead.

Q: Are you paranoid of your neighbors?
A: Yes...I see them...all the time...working on their yard like they care about the place. It's totally a cover up!

Q: Which do you prefer in a snow-cone, the ice or the sweet juice?
A: The sweet sweet nector.

Q: How many times have you shot someone while singing "Whistle While You Work?"
A: I've never heard that. I usually sing MSI when I shoot things.

Q: What is the strangest growth you've ever had on your penis?
A: None so far.

Q: Do you like watching animated cartoons of women with big breasts?
A: If animes count then yes.

Q: Why can't I make up my mind?
A: I don't know.......let's make it true! No shake your ass come on beastman shake your furry fur off. I can't it's made of fur....Imma stop now.

Q: How many times a day do you masterbate?
A: Never! Im like Jennifer! I never do! Im thinking of the kittens. I mean..come on. The poor things. lol.

Q: What word do you most often yell out in your sleep?
A: I don't know...Im usually sleeping when I do.

Q: If you could, would you suck your own penis?
A: Lol, great question. Prolly not...I mean...I have enough ho's to do that for me already. haha.

Q: Why do dogs turn in a circle before going to sleep?
A: They have to make sure no one or nothing is behind them. There just checkin you know? Beacuse...would you want to go to sleep with someone like Alex behind ya? Pinkett!

Q: Do you masturbate with stupid objects?
A: Does your mom count?

Q: Do you prefer grape Kool-Aid or Cherry Kool-Aid?
A: Cherry nigga. I'm just cool like that.

Q: Why?
A: Becuase cherry is red and grape is purple. Purple sucks.

Q: Have you ever kept the toy you get in a Cracker Jacks box?
A: Yea...but I end up losing it. Like everything else.

Q: What's the difference between a duck?
A: a duck? What's the difference between a duck? Does that make sence?

Q: If you could have two parts of your body switch places, what would you switch?
A: Hm...I kinda like how Im set up right now.

Q: How large is your penis?
A: Hm...just come ova and youll find out. ;)

Q: Do you fuck yourself?
A: Umm...somehow. Somehow I do. Not...god...youre a weirdo.

Q: Is music good? Better? Or THE BEST?
A: Music is the best!!!!!

Q: How long do you wait to clip your toenails?
A: I dont clip em. I just sort pick them off with my finger nails. lol

Q: Do you frequently urinate in the sink, just to be different?
A: Um...I dont think I ever have.

Q: Love is?
A: Great...when you have it. Horrible when you don't.

Q: Why would anyone voluntarily eat liver?
A: Because it taste like puppy's...and puppy's rule. Almost as good as babies...but not quite.

Q: Who's your favorite porn star?
A: I don't know. *shrugs* Any of the girl ones.

Q: How many power tools do you own?
A: None. I use the manual tools.

Q: What would you do if you got caught masturbating?
A: I wouldn't. Im to good to get caught.

Q: Why is there more than one McDonald's?
A: So the people that eat there can get to the nearest one near them. And since there all fat they need all the help they can get!

Q: Why do people that don't like sex masturbate profusely?
A: They do like it. They're just afraid.

Q: What do you think of silicone tits?
A: I hate em. I think it's stupid for any girl to get fake boobs.

Q: Why does higher education suck?
A: Because it takes so long to get and costs so damn much!

Q: Would you prefer mutual masturbation over actual sex?
A: is defenantly better. Not that Id know or anything...

Q: What's your definition of insane?
A: One word. Me.

Q: Have you ever fooled mother nature?
A: I control mother nature bitch. :D

Q: Do you think Yoda was a drag queen?
A: Eh...he could be.

Q: Did you ever fantasize about Geena Davis?
A: lol...who?

Q: Can you eat just one Lay's Potato Chip?
A: I tried...I didn't eat another chip...but I still did eat something.

Q: Can you find the Spam?
A: Hey! I like spam...

Q: Do you have more than 3 fingers on each hand?
A: Yes...yes I do.

Q: Cream cheese with Oreo's or bagels?
A: Begals...never tried with oreo's. Is it good?

Q: What are you wearing?
A: T-Shirt with boxers.

Q: Are the "Spice Girls" Jesus reincarnated?
A: lol.

Q: How long are your arms?
A: As long as they want to be. They switch day to day.

Q: Do you prefer the word "rectum," or "anus?"
A: lol...rectum. Anus is prolly a little less funny.

Q: Have you ever asked a donkey the way to Kalamazoo?
A: Is there kind of meaning there? Because if there's not then, yes.

Q: Have you ever fantasized about Dennis Rodman?
A: Who? Oh! The basketball dude. No ma'am. (I'm assuming you're a girl)

Q: Do you use your left or right hand for masturbation?
A: Both! At the same time!!!! ...right hand. lol

Q: Have you ever eaten any food in a supermarket before?
A: Yes...My McDonalds.

Q: Why do hotdog buns come in packages of 8 and wieners in packages of 10?
A: Hm...the hotdogs I get come in packages of 8...

Q: Who was a better captain, Picard, or Kirk?
A: Wha?

Q: Do you do the Dew?
A: All night long.

Q: Is anyone really satisfied with their lives?
A: Some are. I'd like to meet em and see how they do it.

Q: How many lesbians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: lol..I don't even want to get started on that one. There's so many things I can say on this one.

Q: When Mary Poppins floated away, did you look up her skirt?
A: Wow. I don't think I ever did. I was young. :P

Q: What do women really want in a man?
A: Money, hot passionate animal sex, and money. Not all...but a lot.

Q: What the fuck are Cocoa Puffs?
A: They're chocolatey goodness

Q: Have you ever tried to kiss your own ass?
A: No sir. (This time I assumed you were a guy)

Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: To live and have fun!

Q: What is the worst survey question you've answered?
A: Pick any of the above. And below most likely.

Q: How many gallons of shit is being in "deep shit?"
A: 235766132403953204358720533856443128009054234235.2

Q: Toilet paper, over or under?
A: Over.

Q: How often do you say bullshit?
A: Never. Well...a lot in the song "Bullshit" by MSI.

Q: Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?
A: Yes. Proud of me?

Q: Do you love me?
A: No...I hate you more then I hate people who hate people for no reason!

Q: What is the coolest thing about living?
A: Love and friends.

Q: Which member of "The Golden Girls" cast would you like to sleep with?
A: Well...there was this one hot chick who showed up for one episode. I'd totally do her.

Q: What is that smell?
A: Soap? I just came out of the shower.

Q: Where am I?
A: In the computer? I have no idea.

Q: Why are Juicy surveys so U.S. oriented?
A: I don't know why. I mean...who likes the U.S. anyway? lol

Q: Have you had your break today?
A: Yes. All day.

Q: Would you do it with a 90-year-old man for 40 million dollars?
A: Can I just take the money and run? He's prolly blind/deaf/and lost use of his legs anyway.

Q: Would you let the Trix rabbit have any Trix?
A: Yes..I would. He made the damn cereal...let him have some for gosh sakes.

Q: Was this survey a complete waste of your time?
A: No...I could be doing other things that are a complete waste of my time. Because it's stopping me from wasting my time form doing the oteher things.

Q: Have you ever taken it up the butt?
A: Nope.

Q: Did Wonder Woman have breast implants?
A: Yes she did. But that's because Superman likes the big breasts.

Q: How many donuts would a dead dog devour if a dead dog could devour donuts?
A: 12.

Q: Who is better, Count Chocula, or Frankenberry?
A: The Count is. Defenantly.

Q: What is more fun, scratching yourself, or picking your nose?
A: The first one.

Q: Should "Free Willy" be legalized?
A: No ma'sir.

Q: Have you ever fell off the floor?
A: that possible?

Q: Do you prefer to spank, or be spanked?
A: Depends who's doing it.

Q: Do you think Satan has a sense of humor?
A: lol...yes. He and god are a lot alike...

Q: So, you think your mom loves you . . . really?
A: Yes I think so.

Q: Do you think this survey sucks?
A: Not really. I've learned a lot from it.

Q: Who the hell are you?
A: I'm Jeffrey James Kramar! I also go by Jeff, Jeames, and Kumar.

Q: What is the most sensible thing to do with a used condom?
A: Use it? If you were a hot girl Id say "Safe sex is very important...lets go practice it." :P

Q: Do you actually do this by choice?
A: Yep.

Q: Do you ever fantasize over the owner of this page?
A: Nope.

Q: Do you ever fantasize over having sweet, passionate anal-sex with Bob Dole?
A: Lmao! No.

Q: Do you feel that a human head on a stick is an appropriate substitute for a nighttime ardvaarking partner?
A: Um...*moves towards the door and locks it*

Q: What is your favorite pork product?
A: Ribs man...the ribs. Or sasuage links.

Q: Would you rather eat SPAM or your mother out?
A: Spam. Because Spam rules.

Q: Do you shave your pubic hairs?
A: Like the song says "You and I should shave our pubic hair! Why should we leave it overgrown?" Hairless and Fancy Free - The Left Rights

Q: Do you spend too much time answering stupid questions?
A: Yes...yes I do.
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