What DDR Song Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
I like sandstorm better. But I guess this’ll do.
What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
Alright. I guess that’s cool.
What is Your Super Smash Bros. Fighting Style? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
You know it. Kirby’s my favorite character.
What Half-Life Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
A military grunt? Oh well. It’s not like Walls was anything better.
What Color Link Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
Green…that’s good. Green is my favorite color. And he’s gotta be the best link.
What is Your Anime Zodiac? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
The dual mind. That’s….just…great.
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What is Your Japanese Novelty Item? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
That’s good. I’m not an anime freak!
What Anime Stereotype Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
Wow…51% of the population. That’s weird…is there only 2 that you can be?
Who's Your Anime Girlfriend? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
What Cosplay Type Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
Heh…5% of the population. I’m so awesome.
What Anime Vampire Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
I’m just getting tired now. Just one more left.
What Anime Medium Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com:
Anime. Done right.
Yea! Manga!