Feb 21, 2005 16:07
well these past two days have been horrible. aseptically at work. it feels more like baby sitting than working. seriously i just feel like screaming shut the fuck up and do your fucking job. but i cant. plus customer complaints are the stupidest things and they get mad and act like assholes. today some guy was pissed cause his cheese wasent melted all the way. well 1st off the sandwich was made correctly and it was microwaved on the right button. the guy was a dumbass. so i was like no problem and i fix it for him. all while he is saying shit. i just wanted to turn around and say. shut the fuck up the cheese isent supposed to be melted completely. if you wanted it that way fucking ask for it. i wish i could go into your job and put your sorry ass down. i hate people i really do. the only high light was some girl checking me out last night at drive-tru. its one of those ego boster you know. but ya well its snowing outside and iam all alone. i want to go out and do something but what is there to do by yourself you know what i mean? i dont know. life pisses me off. but iam sure it does for everyone. iam sick of my cd's thats all ive been doing latly. i need a new one. but i cant spend money. ive been doing that to much lately. i want to make a movie. allie had a good idea for her senior project. i wonder if she still wants to do it? anyways today i was talking to someone about tatoos. i told them where i got mine done and they were like i heard that place was really dirty. i was shocked considering i watched them clean before and after they did stuff to me. but that same person when on to say how all their periceings that they got at sin on skin got infected. so it just goes to show you. i all ready more. i have a few ideas but nothing serious yet. grrr kaina keeps playing with the volume of the tv. she puts it wicked loud then i yell to turn it down. then she turns it all the way down. she lives to piss me off. not to mention the second i walk in the door she asks to play my playstation. ya i love you to. i went to the mall shortly yesterday but i dont remember what i even did there. but i just remembered i have some weird drink in my fridge. anyways ive been having alot of those dreams that seem so real that when you wake up its hard to figure what you did and dident do. i want to go to battleship cove. i am into world war two. its just interesting.
iam bored i guess iam going to cut my legs off.