Nov 03, 2004 22:07
I am watching my favoritist movie in the whole world right now in my living room by myself it is great. My mom kicked her boyfriend out tuesday he got all of his things out except for his iguana which he will get out soon enough. I am sad because my love is going to court on the 10th and again they are threatening to send her away from me. Her whole life is one threat. I dont want to see her go I love her. Crazy I am I know... Though I am threatened by her ex Roseanna, she is always talking to Roseanna. And I dont know its like uhhh "hahaha oh man" She laughs when she talks to her on the net but I can never make her crack up.... Maybe I am just not funny. I started talking to this chick in school. She is cool I cant spell her name I call her Taco. So she has a little sister named Desiree actually but she spells it Dezarae or something. She is cool... Senior staying the full year. I have to get my senior pictures done at some point in time. I want it to snow though because I want to have me in the snow. I think it is the coolest (not literally) season. Snow is all shiney and pretty. I start on the floor tomorrow night at my new job. I did a no show no call at arbys tonight. And I still didnt get fired. So back to 10 things I hate about you... "I want you I need you Oh baby oh baby..." "I am your father and that is my right" So what I want doesn't matter "You're 18 you dont know what you want and when you do you'll be 40..." I hate parents. Fabio who calls someone fabio lol... I love everyone have a good night.
I am extremely disapointed that Bush won the election. I wanted David Cobb to win... I thought he had such a good chance lol Peace