
Jun 19, 2011 18:50

AnimeNEXT was last weekend. I can't believe it came and went so quickly. I was Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3. There are a ton of pictures on facebook for those who are interested in seeing me, my friends or other random people dressed up. The album for that one is public to everybody with an account. We all had a ton of fun. I got hurt on Saturday night going to the rave and I wound up not going to the rave at all. I have a huge bruise on my knee that's healing from it. We also got soaked Friday and Saturday night. Friday was after the burlesque show and Saturday was on the way to the rave, hence why I hurt myself by slipping and smashing my knee into a curb. I want to go to more conventions. I know there's Connecticon and Otakon but I doubt I'll get to go to either. NYCC is in October I believe so that's a while off.

Other than that, Bobby's been working. I've been hanging out with Billy, and randomly Nikki, Adam and/or Melissa. I've also been home a lot. I spend my time watching anime and reading manga. I'm trying to finish Baccano!, stay caught up with Ao no Exorcist and I started reading Dogs: Bullets and Carnage. I want to rewatch Ouran. Billy and I have been watching Kuroshitsuji. I need to get my hands on the second half of the anime though. Bobby and I have been watching Durarara!! and Code Geass R2. It's crazy.

Bobby and I watched 5 episodes or so of Durarara!! and I had a dream last night because of it. I dreamed that I was on some school's campus and I was a student there. I was dating Shizuo but I was also friends with Izaya. I believe my friend Amanda from SHU was hanging out with us too. I met up with the three of them in a gym that was full of bleachers for people to hang out on. It was an indoor/outdoor gym so it was a springlike day I remember. Izaya kept flirting with me to piss Shizuo off. I remember having a huge crush on Izaya so maybe I wasn't dating Shizuo... who knows, it's dream logic. There was something with snow and/or a hill and either sledding or rolling down the hill. I remember running to class and Shizuo running after me. I ran through a parking lot and it was warm out. Then I got into a building and took my seat in a darkened classroom and the professor ushers us out. I leave with everyone and we're on the streets of what is supposed to be New York, it might have been one of the quieter side streets. We start wandering to find a building and I run across a street and find the building we're supposed to be in. It's painted a burnt red/orange color with steps leading up to the dark brown door. There's iron fencing along the front of the building. I go up and it's dark inside too. I take a seat in one of the rows of tables. I end up climbing over a table and some people to sit with friends but I don't even remember who the friends were. The professor had a slide show and I got in trouble for talking and laughing. I think there was something afterward that involved driving at night, trees and Nikki V but that's all unclear to me.

dreams, anime next, anime, life, manga, friends

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