I'm hoping to finish a study guide or two and highlight a bunch of stuff for a test I have on Tuesday today. Unfortunately I got 5.5 or so hours of sleep because someone decided today would be a good day to weed whack at 9am, for almost 2 hours. They don't realize it's freezing out. There is no reason for that AT ALL.
I got in at 3:20 this morning from Billy's. We spent like 5 hours talking after the Soup. We beat Resident Evil 2 finally after months of putting it off. It turned out that we only put in 5.5 hours into it. It felt like a lot more so we were shocked. I think we decided we'd try RE0 next but that won't be for a little while. We got bubble tea and my vanilla chai was amazing. We got dinner in Menlo Mall, checked out the 3DS and it was painful. I worked before that and didn't do much of anything. Surprise, surprise. I have no idea why I wrote yesterday's events backwards but I did.
30 Day Meme
Day 23- Give pictures of 5 guys/girls who are famous you find attractive
1. David Boreanez
2. Sarah Michelle Gellar
3. Gwen Stafani
4. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
5. Matt Damon