Mar 07, 2011 16:16
I stayed up until almost three last night just being online, watching Nana. Nothing new or special. I did finish arranging some bookshelves and put books in real places. I found an awesome lavender ice cream recipe that my aunt and I want to try. Got up a little before 10 this morning. I worked out today which felt great. I love kickboxing. I wish I did that more often. I did a little reading for school and some work on my daily picture thing. I typed up the second half of a fic I had and posted that. Now I'm going to play some Final Fantasy IX. I'll probably read more later.
I go for my massage tomorrow in the early afternoon. That's exciting. I'm also going to see Shawn tomorrow night. Not sure what we'll do yet but at least we made plans for once. I'll see Melissa either Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully we get cupcakes at one point. We'll probably do lunch and/or dinner or something. Who knows.
30 Day Meme
Day 3- Your views on religion
I am really not a fan of organized religion. It bothers me like nothing else does. I'm agnostic myself. I'm waiting to be proven right or wrong. Science is my thing. I hate that people can't coexist. No one can calm the fuck down when it comes to religion and let others be. Even those without a religion are pains in the ass. Everyone just needs to shut the fuck up and get along.
30 day meme,