Hear Me Roar...

Mar 01, 2007 17:04

Ok so I am really anxious and screwed. Basically I decided to just go to a Uni prac session that was more convienient for my time but that I couldn't allocate myself to because it was full. So I am in the lab and it's 6 minutes past and there is no one else here. So what to do... I think I'll just sit here and do the work and just not stress at being alone... and wrong.

I hate today. I really do hate today. I am really cranky and nothing really got me going. Even Souleyes took a moment (a brief one) to look me straight in the face and I said "hmmfph'. I really hate everyone. I have had violent thoughts, of injuring unknown people.

What can I say this week is really getting me down. I am ready to say goodbye to March (even though it's only the first day) and totally miss it. Hell why not fast forward a year and see that not much has changed in my life.

You know, I am having an argument with the universe in my own subversive way. We aren't on speaking terms, the universe and I, I'm waiting for her to deliver me something so I can have some faith back.

This week I am a mess, can't help it. I just want to curl up and forget about it.

Gotta go do uni work on my lonesome. Gah, I hate the universe.
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