May 23, 2009 17:45
I'm super tired.
I've had real problems with procrastination lately. I haven't wanted to do anything but sit around and watch tv shows/movies, read books, play computer games and read random stuff online. I am so thoroughly uninterested in my list of "todos" which is piling up like a poke of pigs. (whatever that means).
So yesterday I set myself a requirement that I do *something* on my most immediately required uni assignment (c++ programming) so naturally I sat and watched all of 4th season Supernatural. Well I didn't watch ALL the episodes, I skipped through the ones I'd seen before just refreshing my memory. So about 1am I finally do a bit of coding and it continues on until I see it's about 5am and decide quite logically that sleep is needed. I don't want to sleep right in (still had tons to do) so I think 4 or 5 hours should suffice. Truly surprisingly I wake up around 9.30am!
So it's rolling back to midnight, and the 4 or so hours I got this morning are starting to feel short of the mark. I might just roll into bed and get 6 or 7 hours, I have done a tonne of work on this assignment but it is due before midnight on Sunday night...
I found Twin Peaks season 2 was a nice side distraction. God it's twisty and dark and funny.
My housemate moves out in about a week and I don't have anyone moving in yet. I am not trying very hard to find someone new because, there is just some sort of block to getting stuff done. I did buy some extra stuff for the house using some of the shopping vouchers BumBum and Heidi have won.
Inara is sick and I guess it will be this week that I'll have to have her put to sleep. I am quite heartsick at the thought. It's something I don't want face right now, ontop of all the other things I am already not dealing with.
I haven't mentioned it before, but I got bitten whilst housesitting 2 weekends ago. The wound is still not properly healed, I had a bad infection where 3/4 of my hand was red, hot and sore (ie infected) and I couldn't use my fingers with out pain. It took 6 days for the swelling to go down. There was a bit of pain the first night, and then for a couple of days until the infection moved out of the joints. It was good to see that I can function quite OK with just my left hand (I'm right handed).
Well I am going to put my head down for a few hours...
twin peaks,