re-read yourself

May 24, 2007 21:44

been a slow night here at the office, except for the fire alarm test. that was a bitch. my ears are still ringing, and there may be more to come.

to pass the time i've been re-reading my old LJ entries. some very interesting passages there. kind of inspiring, and so i'm writing this now.

especially intense are the entries about august at the start of our relationship. in words, i can remember it clearly. all that initial potential's gone now, and if i saw her again i wouldn't recognize her - not really. i'd know i was looking at 'august', but it wouldn't be the same girl. the girl i wrote about and loved is locked in memory, sliced clean off from the girl as she is now. they're not the same person - they just share the same name.

all of us are constantly becoming someone else. it's just the narrative of the voice in our heads that fools us into thinking we're the same.

(another fire alarm just started.)
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