
May 12, 2004 18:22

w00t I passed segemnt 2. Go me. ....I guess having the answers to the test already circled in my book helped me out a bit. :)

Yea so they posted the color gaurd list today. The whole thing just pissed me off. They are taking 7 new girls and 2 still havent tried out yet. So they posted the list today when thoes girls still havent tried out. They took 5 girls and there are two spots left....Which I think is retarted and not really fair beacuse thoes two girls could suck and still be on it. They should have waited until they tried out untill they decied who was on and wasnt. By the way I was not. No big deal though. I get the feeling Ashleys going to be just thrilled though since she was mad that I got called back and she didnt.

Today in French we went down to the Kiva to listen to some speaker talk about her job. She talked about plants. Yes plants. I was sitting there thinking what the hell does a planting job have to do with French.

Other than that today was boring.

Its supposed to storm tonight. Sweet.
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