Nov 15, 2007 13:08
First I would like to state that I do not find religions offensive. I don't care if someone is gay. I do not think people of other races are beneath me. The thing that is offensive is attention whores...
If you do something that you think is 'shocking' (Emo and things of that nature) for attention, I want you to be anally violated by HIV positive Bengal tigers. Which leads us to today’s topic...
People Who Think They Are Vampires
I have personally never seen the fascination with vampires and people who want to be them. A vampire is a human mosquito, a glorified tape worm, a parasite. Yeah, real great. Unfortunately, there are those who do not see things the way I do. They want so bad to be special, to be cool, to actually serve a purpose (even if it is being an anthropomorphized leech) they will believe anything.
These people get so worked up about it, believe in it so much, want it to be true so badly that they think they need blood (Or some sort of ‘energy’) to survive. They think they are ‘sensitive’ to light.
Of course their delusions can’t account for the lack of super human powers and so forth, so they think that it’s pretty much just the ‘need’ for blood. These people are delusional to the point of psychosis. I didn’t peruse the posts they make, mainly because my eyes hurt from all the rolling, but after reading them you see a pattern form. It’s all just bragging, all of it.
“I'm telepathic and clairaudient, among other things; walls are low [I've had insomnia for the past couple of days, messes with ya]”
“Wanted to say hello.... I've been told by countless people over the years that i am an energy vampire, and i wanted to find out more. I dont exactly have any control over this thing, it just seems to happen.”
“People have told me that I was an "energy vampire" before, and I've noticed strange things happen with electronic devices when I'm around but now ... I CANT EVEN START A VEHICLE”
“I feed off human energy, specifically emotional, and strong mental energy. I’ve been in the process of awakening since I was ten when I had my first ‘symptoms’ and phenomena, and I don’t yet consider myself ‘fully awakened’ and don’t know if I ever will.”
“i ask as it was pointed out to me that i have sesional ebbs i can be found to be more active during the dark half of the year or when a fire festival is due whic also most of the time is in the dark times.”
Anyway, it all carries on like this. It’s just seems like a way for people who can’t make a real change in their lives, or do anything productive to feel important. I have even joined one of their message boards to become more educated on the absurdity of the whole process. I will not link it because I doubt anyone is going to join up just to see it.
There are a lot of articles on this stuff, a lot. All of it absolute bat shit crazy. We have factoids about the nutritional value of blood, in case you are a vampire watching your weight, and semen. Let me say this now, if you have a constant craving to consume semen, you are not a vampire. You are a skank.
And yes there are even articles on vampiric aging. I shudder as I read it.
“I remember when people started to admire the fact that my looks have never really changed. I can't even tell you how many old friends have walked up to me and told me that I haven't changed since I was 19 years old.”
Sophia Lorene is a fucking vampire! I knew it! Seriously, this lady is insane. We see more of the bullshit bragging and self inflating egos that penetrate a lot of these people rhetoric.
“I can only speak for myself, but I went through some drastic physical changes. It’s like one of my physical systems (i.e.: circulatory, digestive, respiratory... you get the idea) was breaking down one at a time and then ***poof** it rebuilt itself, stronger and better.”
Wow. I don’t even know what to say. I honestly thought when I started writing that these people didn’t actually believe they were superhuman. How far does a delusion run? How far does it have to run to actually believe that you are immortal? It’s terrifying.
“These days I've learned to like it, love it and take FULL advantage of it. I combine it with Vampyric Charm, to get what I want, and I combine it with Magick, when charm fails. I can attract almost anyone in a room, using my gifts and intuition.”
Wow, that's a double dose of pretention, magic with a “K” and Vampire with a “y”. I am absolutely astounded. They even acknowledge that they maybe bat shit crazy.
“It must be added that theories on vampirism are many (genetic mutation, virus, psychological problem and many more have been discussed), but one thing remains certain: something is going on with us and we simply can never tell if we are 100% vampires or not.”
This is just like the emo kids, the self cutters, the anorexics and the like. These are people who can’t make themselves successful or contribute to society in a meaningful way, so they need to make something up to feel important. I’d almost feel bad for them, but then I realize that to do so would make me an idiot as well.