Let's break it down now, baby.

Apr 20, 2035 21:10

"But now we're wide awake. We've both got plans to make...
With the time I've been given, I'm gonna be driven as hell!"

080210: Floral by kuribati

I've finally gotten myself to revamp this post. Hurray for fighting procrastination (in a way)! Nyar. Let's just say that since people had nice intro posts, I figured I'd do one, too, instead of making a sticky on my profile, heehee~ I color important parts, apparently. XD;; So tl;dr maybe~

Hmm, where should we start;

♣♣♦ I love J-Rock. Though my posts would prolly focus on Aoi and the GazettE, trust me, I'm not constrained to just that band. I don't plan on listing bands that I like here. You'll just have to ask or find out for yourself. :)

♣♣♦ I'm not that big on K-Pop anymore but I still have a soft spot for a selected few. Other groups, eh, I have to think about it first but I'm not going to bite your head off if you like K-Pop. I have a lot of friends who do and I do respect their music choices. However, SNSD is a no. Don't even bother asking me because I don't even want to elaborate. If you persist, I recommend you check out STAND.

♣♣♦ I can be very vain at times so if I post long entries with pictures and no cut in sight, feel free to TL;DR it and I apologize if it would butcher your lay. I'll try not to but eh~

♣♣♦ Speaking of, there are times when I use sparkles in my entries. I think it comes with the princess complex. I don't know,I like using bright colors because my eyes love it. Here's to hoping I don't blind anyone. ^^;

♣♣♦ It doesn't seem like but I still like and watch anime. :D Right now, I'm an avid fan of Junjou Romantica, Kuroshitsuji and Hetalia. You have to forgive me if I seem to just keep between those two but with deadlines almost everyday for me, I can't dedicate enough time to watch. :( But go and recommend any series; I'll try to watch them when I have time. :)

♣♣♦ I have low bullshit tolerance. What does that mean? If you suddenly attack me because of some deranged reason (like you go "OMFG, YOU JEALOUS ANTI FAN OF SNSD! DIE BITCH!"), I will not hesitate to delete you and possibly fight back. I've had people raping my formspring before (it was amusing but it started to pollute my formspring) as well as my YouTube channel. Please do yourself a favor and don't waste your own time. :) A warning already: When I'm mad, I'm really mad. Things will get ugly.

♣♣♦ Just to say, according to MBTI, I'm an ENFP (Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceptive). According to iPersonic, I'm a Spontaneous Idealist. Lalala~ *taking up space*

♣♣♦ I swear. A lot. I try not to but it's a bad habit I just can't get rid of. So if this bothers you, I apologize but shit, this should be something fucking normal in your life already. May I suggest moving out of the rock you call home and do some catching up with the world.

♣♣♦ I use the first-name basis with my friends here so, yes. I need names to work with! :) I'm not too fond on using the screen names but if it floats your boat, then okay~

♣♣♦ I like musicals. I thought I should just put that there. :"3 ♥~

Hmmm, yeah. I think that should do. :) All other personal details are, well, personal but will be shared if asked and provided that I already know you well to disclose certain info, yeah? :)

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Adopted from squiby

Click Me!

Adopted from squiby

Thank you, Ritsuka (ritsuka182 )! ♥

fo, shiny shimmering splendid, public

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