(no subject)

Jan 14, 2009 18:52

I DON'T want to SLEEP
I DON'T want to DREAM
Because my dreams DON'T COMFORT me
The way you MAKE me FEEL
Waking up to you
NEVER felt so real

I'm your tease
I'm your fuel
I just wanna see you drool
On your knees
pretty please
you wish you were my main squeeze
L-L-L Luxury
♡ [葵] and I ♡
♥ When I first saw you, a miracle (a miracle) ♥
I love you baby and I'm never gonna stop
✖ I kissed [葵] on the cheek and got away with it! ✖
~inside of me~
you are there

Me & [葵]
Went on a beach vacation

[葵] is mine

[葵]: [ルチア], will you marry me?
And of course, with me jumping and screaming,
[葵] took that as a yes.

I sent [葵] a love letter.
The most shocking of all was that he

My little heart is only for 『葵』

I gave my heart to 葵
this Valentine's Day!~ ♥

sometimes i wish i could close my eyes
tap my heels together and say
'there's no place like -葵's- arms'
three times
and open my eyes and i would be there
愛してる『 』♥
It's too cliche, I won't say I'm in love with 葵!
My Valentine
Valentine's Day 2009

♥ ルチア & 葵 is bunny love ♥

~葵~ is going to take me to that castle in the sky. I'll wait for him here until he comes for me.
In this story, 葵 falls in l.o.v.e. with -me-!

葵 & I
We are love
, thank you for coming into my life,
making my heart flutter each time I look at you,
making my days brighter with a simple smile,
for showing me what love really is,
I love you. Always.
right now would be nice...
{ } is my japanese ROMEO
-- --
always and forever, you will continue to shine
i will continue to watch over you
hoping for your beloved future
wherever you may go
i will continue to wish this for you
because im protective of you

the only color that can describe
my love for »葵«
is rainbow.
i love you,i don't need any words,
you are my last kiss,FOREVER

Valentine's Day cannot be perfect
without you, 葵 ♥

"tell me what time it is now,
tell me it’s a dream, hold me
my heart’s stopped, start it going again, please
you’re by my side
you’re probably dreaming a different dream
i don’t need the sun
i love your smile so much now
i love you, i love you so much
find me in this dream"
love you so much,「葵」

~葵~ brings the fangirl to life in me

[[ルチア]] & [[葵]]
Our love is pure.
Because there's nothing in this world more pure than PANDA love.

Brewing a LOVE potion for 葵~

There's no denying it
»ルチア & 葵«

Rough days are worth it if I can go home and snuggle against 葵.
I'm obsessive just by the thought of you,
It's not healthy... but I don't care,
, you've got me losing it.

standing in the light of his halo, [ 葵's ] my angel now.

One more cake
one more kiss
one more hug
I would take anything
one more time with you
♥ 葵 ♥

When you are in love, you
can't fall asleep because
reality is better than your
True love doesn't have a
happy ending; true love
never has an ending... ♥

If I know what love is,
it's because of you!~ ♫

=葵= and =I= go together like

I have FOUR teddy bears.
One from [ヒロト], one from [ナオ], one from [麗], and one from [葵]
One from everyone who loves me. ^.~

┌葵┘ is my superhero.

I want to sleep with you
in the desert night with a million stars all around
I get a peaceful easy feeling
and I know you won't let me down.

My heart gets all light and fluffy,
like a balloon,
I would be able to fly
with thoughts of 葵
Keeping my head&heart in the sky

[葵 and I like to have tea parties together!]

I don't know how many licks it takes
to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop,
but I do know how many licks it takes
to drive 葵 wild~ ♥

love is composed of a single
soul inhabiting two bodies~

All the treasures in the world mean
nothing compared to 葵.
He is the greatest treasure of all~

Cinderella is an idiot for only leaving
her glass slipper behind. I left a trail of
my clothes leading 葵 to my bed!

It rains love everytime 「葵」 & I are together ♥

[葵] is the best medicine. ♥

There's a place in my heart reserved just for
【 葵 】
A l w a y s & F o r e v e r .
It isn't about the
or the
it's about the
in my stomach everytime I think about
Falling in love can be painful to go through sometimes.
Sometimes he's all we think about.
Sometimes we get sick everytime he's near.
Sometimes we forget things because of him.
Sometimes we get tongue-tied whenever we talk to him.
Sometimes we get clusmier because of him;
But for
I'd do it all over again,
because it's all worth it in the end.

My → 葵! ♥
❝my world B E G I N S with 《 葵 》❞
♥ ♥ ♥

葵 ♥ ルチア

You've given me a reason
For smiling once again,
You've filled my life with peaceful dreams
and you've become my closest friend.

You've shared your heartfelt secrets
And your trust you've given me,
You showed me how to feel again
To laugh, and love, and see.

If life should end tomorrow
And from this world I should part,
I shall be forever young
For you have touched my heart.

♥ ♥ ♥

Whatever tomorrow will be, we'll make it beautiful.

[葵] stole my ♥heart♥
so I stole his LAST NAME

I'm 葵's pretty girl~ ♡

Feb 14th, 2009
With: 葵

Your smile is what made this many people smile.
I want you to realize that you're not alone!
A day will come when those tears turn into a smile
I want you to be always smiling!
{ 葵 }

calls me his
if {葵} were a flower
I'd only want to be the wind
so I could ~ f o r e v e r~
be by his side
I may not know
how many stars are in the sky
or how many grains of sand are on the beach
but what I do know
is that 葵
is the only one
who can make me smile
Even though i couldn't spend Valentines Day with ...
they were on my mind all day

[Hyena] by [the GazettE] pwns my soul.

My gift to (葵) is my love.
Given from deep within my heart.
This special love will never end.
Even when we're apart.

I must be a fool
for liking only

♥ My First Love Story

I fell in love at first sight

my one and only h e a r t, linked with his

♥ 葵 ♥
was sent from up above just for me

My knees are trembling,
face become red,
my heartbeat become fast,
and tears of happiness are flowing...
during my wedding with 葵

Let's play doctor.

[葵] & I
love taking bubble baths

Some girls need
to be happy,
but since I have [葵],
nothing else is better.

Yeah, I did go shopping today
but the only thing I bought
was [葵]

Diamonds are a girls best friend.
Who needs diamonds when I have

I never realized that the day
[葵] took me shopping,
it was to pick out my wedding ring.

With a wave of my wand
fell in love with me,
and the magic of our love
is like a rainbow
in the sky

『葵』& me

We are like

POOH and honey

And if I ever lose my power to fly
Then your love takes me high
I'll always be true to you
Sometimes I think I might lose it all
Guess the chances are small
Cause you hold me close I feel you near
Don't let go say you'll always be here
So just hold me tight and I'll be fine
Dreaming you will always be mine

Everyday, every single day
I have always hoped to be something more;
something worth living for.
I kept wishing for this until I met you.
For our meeting was unforgettable
and our love long-lasting.
Until the end of time,
I will never stop
loving you.

葵, i wish you say it only for me:
"all we need is body language
and now i know, i'm falling for you and i just can't lie
i won't go nowhere cuz i'm your man tonight"

Is My Little Star

gave me the key to his heart

~I can tell you want me too
And every time I think of you
That luscious drink your lips produce
I can taste that sweet love juice~

» 葵 «
You be the Prince
And I'll be the Princess
It's a love story
Baby just say yes

What is important to me? It’s always you,
Even now, you’re right in the middle of my heart,
Even though, we are walking two different roads,
I want to yell out the words in my heart,
I wish I were your number one.

葵 is my little vampire~ ♥

When 葵 showed up in the middle
of the night, it was love at first bite~ ♥


葵 is my
snuggly bunny~ ♥

You make me dream by the look in your eyes,
You give me the feel, I've been longing for.
I wanna give you my soul, all my life,
Because you are the one I've been waiting for,
I've been waiting for so long.
I jizz in my pants everytime [葵]'s next to me.

kiss me, i'm irish.
(well... at least for today)

I can't go on without 葵
Alone in the rain

I've opened up the door to my heart
葵 is an umbrella above my head

Your eyes are dazzling
I am suffocating
I'm going crazy, baby

He HATES it when I say this
But ┌葵┘ is way cooler than a popsicle.

~Tastes just as sweet as any treat~

┌葵┘: You've heard about how penguins stay together forever, right?
┌Luchia┘: Yeah... Why you ask?
┌葵┘: Wanna be my penguin?

"Do you love me?" i asked [葵]
"I can't say no to someone I love "

{葵} is my midnight -c o n s t a n t- fantasy!

『葵』is my cupcake;
sweet and tasty until the last bite.

• B A B Y S K Y •
All the dreams and hopes
Made of 葵's eyes

• T O M O R R O W •
Certainly the sky will clear up
Just like 葵 is here with me

» &&i know that it's so cliche to tell [葵] that everyday
i spend with [HIM] is the new best day of my L I F E ♥

» &&maybe i'm just l u c k y 'cause it's hard to BELIEVE ;;
believe that someone like [葵] would end up with someone like me♥

♥ [葵]♥
When the sun s h i n e s, we’ll s h i n e together.
Told you I'll be here forever.

Your figure
Your walking figure
As if it came treading on my heart

You're hard to get, unstoppable
You're truly surreal

I have irrevocably
Fallen in love
For you ♥
I If I just open my eyes I think of you
Asleep or awake, the truth is
I see only you

I want to love only you
I will never take my eyes off you again
→[ ] ← puts the ♫ beat ♪ back in my heart.
I've fallen in love many times, but always with you.
→ ♥[葵]♥ ←


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