♥ Nao ♥

Jul 31, 2008 22:03


Let me try to think how to start this first. XD;;

Well, let's just start on how I actually came to like love jrock.

I was bought a mere seventh grader, about to graduate, when I first came to like what was known as Jrock. Though, let's just say that I was too childish to actually come to like androgynous men.

But yes, I found myself falling for the said genre when I finally stepped on my freshman year. Due credit shall be given to my dearest friend AV; for without her, I would never have learned about visual kei. XD

So since we're on that, I'll tell you know that the first ever Japanese band that I actually liked was Orange Range. Nyahahaha~! XD What can I say, I always watched Naruto when I came home from school. ^-^;; But take note that I said, like. The first ever Japanese band that I loved was alice nine.. ♥

But it was really lol-ful because when I just learned about them, because I couldn't even tell the difference between any of them~!! XDDD;; *MEGA FAIL* Okay, so maybe I could who Saga was because of his butterfly eye patch and who Shou was before he got his teeth fixed, but other than that, I got nothing. XDDDD;;

But I slowly got to know who was who...after watching Akatsuki millions of times...and noticing that Tora's always on stage right and Hiroto's always on stage left helped too~!!! X3333;;

Nyaaaa...I'm done with my story. I'm gonna go ahead and say that Nao was the first Jrock-guy that I actually felt something for. And it was more than that teeny reaction you get because I really like the band and their music. Nao just stood out more. And isn't that what separates the common teeny to a fan (girl)? :333

I spammed his fan mail last July 31 before I went to school and when I came home from GIFT class. XDDD;;

Well, anyway, (belated) greetings to the one and only Pooh-sama~!! :3 I look forward to the day when I finally step on the Land of the Rising Sun and actually get to meet you. X3 ♥♥♥

"The real leader has no need to lead. He is content to point the way." ~ Henry Miller

fan girl, alice nine., love, , nao, birthday

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