Feb 25, 2006 21:53
Sansa sat outside Summerfell, her freshly washed and brushed hair pushed forward over her shoulder, the red gleam still bringing a smile to her face, she had kept her part of the bargain at least, though she would have been glad to return her hair to it's own colour even if she had not promised Rickon.
She was still slightly uncomfortable about using the showers though Susan had been very patient in explaining everything to her, she had managed to almost scald herself and had had several cold shocks as well though she almost wished she had known about them when she had been ill when a cold shower would have been almost pleasant. She had washed her hair until she longer was rinsing dark rinse from it and while she thought it seemed a shade darker than it had been, but still almost it's true colour . She hugged herself, though it was foolish to be pleased over such a trivial thing, she felt even more like Sansa and less like Alayne.