I am mostly on evenings in GMT from around 7 til 11/12. Weekends I will often be around til later. If I am on and it is very late in my timezone and I disappear it is very likely I have fallen asleep! Sorry in advance.
I am always always ok with slowtime, due to my timezone, there is never any need to ask. I try to tag any thread I am in at least once a day.
I no longer use instant messenger very much. My email is lifeisnotasong@googlemail.com please, please ping/email/comment here/hit me upside the head if I have dropped something you wish to continue, it's rarely intentional dropping though I will probably drop if it's been a week or more between tags - I can't keep in headspace indefinitely.
Feel free to ping/email/comment here/hit me upside the head if you want any of my pups for anything also.
I also play Elizabeth Norrington
piratekingswann and Ronon Dex
feltgoodthough I previously played, Connor Angel, Imriel no Montreve de la Courcel, Alex Rider
and Robin Hood.