This probably only makes sense to Gypsy

Jun 07, 2009 00:21

So, the kids are asleep.  Dennis is out.  I have control of both the computer and the tv.  AT THE SAME TIME!

What do I watch?  I could watch a "not appropriate for Megan" movie.  But nothing is catching my attention.  I could watch one of my series on DVD.  In general, I don't watch re-runs.  If I've seen something, then I've seen it.  I don't own many movies for this reason.  (which is why Netflix is perfect for me).

But I do own Buffy & Angel & Firefly.  I can never just pick an episode and watch it.  I have to start with the beginning of the series and work my way through it.

I've tried picking seasons, but then I think of previous seasons and think "but I loved that part when...." So if I start Season 2 of Buffy, then I miss the whole set up for the show.  The first season is in no way the best, but I love that I can hear at least one line from the movie worked into the show.  If I skip Season three, then I miss the whole Faith arc.  If I skip Season Four, I miss hair pulling, Adam, and lots of Anya.  If I skip Season Five...well, then....the whole Dawn/Glory thing is skipped over.  I can't skip Season Six because that's where the musical is!  That leaves Season Seven and you can't skip the end of the series!  (and I am sparing you the episode by episode breakdown).

Angel wasn't my favorite show, but it has grown on me.  But, aside from most of season 3 & 4, I really do like the series now.  But if I skip episodes, then I miss background info for future episodes.

Firefly is hard to watch sometimes because it gets so dark.  But I can't not watch the Reaver episode.

So...I ended up starting Angel from Season one.
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