Attempt at writing something real...

Oct 20, 2007 23:49

So, every time recently that I've tried to write something on here recently, it's come out sounding trite. Hence the lack of coherent posts in the last few months. Anyhow, here goes nothing.

(Side note:: did you know that Trite is a spider genus of the Salticidae family (jumpingspiders). Cool.)

First off, BLUE MAN GROUP IS AMAZING!!! I got to go this evening with RBA, even though I'm not a freshman. (Hurrah!) Definitely an experience. Given what tickets actually cost, it's probably something I will likely not do again, but man, it was amazing! It's so hard to describe too. Just so awesome, and hilarious, and...unique. Yeah, unique is pretty much the only way to describe it.

Shen (
shenguin) asked me recently if I'd consider doing NaNoWriMo. Any of you all doing it? Must say, I'm tempted, although I don't know if this writing 1,666 words/day for a month thing is going to fit in well with my current hectic life. That, and I don't know what I'd write about...

My 6.005 class rocks. Our last project was to program an instant messanging program. This week, I get to learn about PostScript.

I also (re)discovered that Boston is beautiful. Last Wednesday, I was really, really mad about my Unified test, but then I went running. And it's really, really hard to be mad about anything when you're running, and it's beautiful out, and you're on the bank of the Charles, and Boston is gorgeous, and it's a sunny fall day, and life is amazing.
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