hidaka_lion... you left your An Cafe CD here. You truly can not visit without leaving something. I suggest next time you bring nothing. Not even a cell phone. Just come naked. 8D Yeah.
Or you could just come live here, then you can't really leave things. XD kakaka.
ANYWAY NEW LAYOUT. ( TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK PUREEZU? ) Likely this one is temporary. It's Donghae and Kyuhyun!! Why? Cause the pictures were cool. :O I just needed a changeeee. Next is the userinfo yes yes...
I decided that my love for Donghae is definitely a phase, because Yesung is way too cool for words. That's why I'm not going to explain his coolness. It's too cool for that. I'll just use a picture instead.
I miss Japanese. I've been listening to a lot of AAA and Psycho le cemu. Japanese is so much easier. :O whyyyy does it have to be more expensive? Why do I have to be so cheap? A laaaaa.
EDIT: If the words on my header seem familiar to any of you, it's because you guys said them. It is quotes from you goyz yes it is.