Nov 11, 2005 09:53
So to day is Rememberance Day, Rob is off in his spit shined boots and lucky no kilt anymore. Kritysn is doing her online course test and luckly for her, it just froze. I swear that girl is cursed when it comes to computers. My eye has been twitching since yesterday morning, yes twitching and it is noticable if you look. It is annoying. Yeah I have monay on my cell phone, if you want to call me the # is 784-5888. That way i can feel special. They were cooking chicken fajhitas in class today, and now thats all i can smell. Last night was reharsal, and it was fun, I get to do this crazy ghost walk......arms all moving and lags annd spexy. grandpa will be doing his usual roll call, and dad will be there by the rescue truck, just incase someone faints this year. I'm getting bored.
But i think i found the problem to my eye twitching problem, im stressed out, not slepping, al lil tired, worried about college, anticipating sears, looking for a job, the hamsters dead but the whells stillmoving. I think im insane. any ways things to do and places to go . I say Good day!