Motherhood Chronicles- 18 May (1 yr old) Mikel's Day 11 in Korea - SQ flight back to Spore!
May 18, 2014 12:03
It was Mikel's 1 year old bday and we were heading back to Singapore today. Having stopped day-time breastfeeding before the Korea trip, Mono and I had alcohol (wines/beers) on 2 nights; it had been a long time since I drank. We took the airport bus where Mikel was again, being carried by some stranger en-route to airport. Finally, we boarded the plane. The entire flight was not enjoyable at all. Mikel was kicking up a fuss and slept only for 15 minutes (midway through our dinner). He was shrieking, wailing and we did not know what he wanted. He simply could not sit still we could not allow him to walk around. At the end, the air-stewards and air-stewardesses had to carry him and entertain him. SQ gave us a cheese cake for his bday; the mood wasn't celebratory at all due to his incessant fussing; making us really mentally drained. We did not even manage to watch a show on flight this time! When we touched down, we realised he soiled his diapers and I had to proceed to the baby room to change him first. Gosh I was beyond tired.
The beer bottle - it was huge! This photo was misleading; it looked like Mikel had drank the alcohol and was drunk.
Preparing to check out
At the lobby
Outside The Grand - bidding farewell to the hotel we had stayed for many days