Aug 12, 2007 05:13
I've been studying philosophy.
for giggles, you know.
and at first I was overwhelmed, this seemingly unnecessary overanalyzing of everything, and thought that I did enough of that as it was...
but I like descartes. aristotle's writing on philosophy itself just seemed so redundant that I got tired of him, and socrates and plato had similar effects for obvious reasons, but descartes, I like.
life would probably be a whole lot easier if we all used the logic of a five-year-old.
forget the details, really.
I tried it today, and it worked.
"susie," I said to myself, "what's the purpose of life?"
"happiness," I answered.
"are you happy now?"
"what would make you happy?"
and I really didn't even have to think about it. "for this whole thing to go away."
"how do you make it go away?"
"quit bitching."
which isn't quite how I'd have answered a five-year-old, but it's the truth. I overreact and overthink and overanalyze and if I would just shut the hell up this whole thing would be yesterday's news. and that had never even occured to me before. like, it should have, cuz it seems so obvious, but that solution was never one of my conscious options. I wanted to talk everything out, yell at people, make my opinion heard... but what good has it done me? I just keep digging myself deeper and deeper.
so I'm over it.
thanks, rene.