Jan 28, 2005 05:13

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Sorry, but... ludo214 January 30 2005, 17:30:44 UTC
this is why teachers tell students not to use .com sites in research papers.

HAARP- it's about as real as the Tooth Fairy. (Legitmate Plasma can only be created in microscopic amounts, otherwise the ONLY place you can find it is in stars)

You cannot create a legitimate earthquake. First concept- energy cannot be created or destroyed. The amount of energy needed to create an earthquake that would cause any noticable damage is unbelievable (6.1-6.9 Can be destructive in areas up to about 100 kilometers across where people live) 1 million tons of TNT or the equivalent of 1,000 nuclear bombs. This energy would need to be created by us first in order to be used for an earthquake. This does not take into account the fact that the energy, once released, will strive to reach equilibrium with it's environment, so if it is sent anywhere as a "wave" you will lose energy exponentially with distance from the release point. The idea of creating a "standing Wave" is absurd because a standing wave is really the result of one wave bouncing off of something (different seismic waves will travel through a liquid or a solid medium differently)and meeting the incoming wave before it is itself relfected, giving you the addition of waves. In order to create a standing wave you must have a continued incoming of waves and the total energy can never be more than the two waves combined. Therefore the energy needed to sustain something of this nature is inconcievable. Also any release of even the most minute amount of energy can be picked up by seismographs around the world, you can make one yourself if you want. They are sensitive enough to pick up trucks driving by a block or so away, and can be sensitive enough to pick up some one walking by.

The ionosphere is basically a layer of charged partcles in the upper atmosphere (thermosphere, which is the hottest layer of the atmosphere) we can bounce radiowaves off of it because it is charged (ions) and radiowaves have a very large wavelength but low energy. Any high energy wavelength is very small and will miss the ionosphere and exit into space, (actually even alot of radiowaves miss, thus concepts behind SETI and the movie "Contact") Anything with alot of energy will pass right through it.

Weather is actually less thermo dependent than you would think. One thing is the root cause for weather and that is water. Without water vapor there would be no weather on earth. Any meteroologist will tell you that the humidity (percent saturation of the air with water vapor) is much more signigicant than looking at the temp.

Hurricanes need 3 things
1. Seawater temperature of 80°F in the upper 200 ft of the ocean.
2. Air must be both warm and humid
3. Upper level winds are weak and blowing in the same direction as storm

The ocean water is the main key to Hurricane, without it they die. This is why once they are over land they loose their power. Also keep in mind how long it takes you to boil water, it takes alot of energy to have the world's oceans raise to 80 degrees in upper 200 FEET of the ocean.

People can make anything sound scientific, it doesn't mean that there is really science behind it. Take a look at this http://paul.merton.ox.ac.uk/science/darksucker.html


Re: Sorry, but... lifeintherain January 30 2005, 22:58:25 UTC
Dark Sucker, heh, right, but apples and oranges my friend.

Again read my original post on the meaning of symbols, in order to disprove a conspiracy you have to believe you have all the facts and that knowlage is freely exchanged between corperations, governent and citizen. I highly doubt that. There are many reasons and benefits to witholding information, discovery and technology.

Now HAARP in essance is a theory, and a non functional one at that. What i'm going on here is two things.

One HAARP was researched and developed to do exactly what I mentioned here. The patents used, the congressional hearings on it, and institute mission are proof of that. Not developed to create earthquakes, microwave cities or otherwise destroy anything. But it does carry a potential to do such things.

Lets remember two basic things here before I continue.

Distance and time are meerly a byproduct of human perception. Neither exist, they cannot scientifically, so explain to the world that time does not pass, does not exist, and they cannot move, but meerly percieve movement. It's all in their head. Undisputed facts, yes? Basic? Ok, so before you tell me it cannot be done, lets remember, much LESS probable things have been done.

Two we do not have all the facts. We cannot predict weather, we cannot predict earthquakes, so please do not assume you can tell me what exactly happens to cause one, what it would take to (because face it, if an earthquake has never been made and we've never tried then we don't KNOW what it'd take thank you ladies and gentlemen, goodnight.) Yout theroy on why the other theroy does not work is purely theroitical. Your toothfairy cannot beat up mine ;)

And this is why i tell you not to believe things only found on gov and edu sites :/

Lets not forget one of the quakes I listed, the infamous LA quake was of diffrent frequency and ressonance than we've ever seen before, and the sismographs could not read it properly due to this.

Secondly, there are some ways to focus energy and send it in a less "lossy" way. Lasers, satalite frequencys, even sound, some pitches carry better thru solid material than others, they expend energy less in travel.

Another popular theroy (the reason some buildings crumble in eathquakes and others dont) is ressonance. Some material resonates to certian frequencys. What is it a perfect C that can shatter glass? Finding the right frequency to cause this ressonence in the earth's plates could in theroy cause an earthquake. It's all theroy, some more popular than others. your theroy or relativity, a cherrished theroy accepted as fact is just a theroy! A thousand bombs of what magnatude? Are we taking WWII or 80's arms race bombs? Technology is racing exponentially right now, please don't assume it's 1973 still ;)

Again I don't believe HAARP caused the earthquakes, but I don't rule it completely out as bunk. I don't buy into the theroys, I don't preach them, but I do think it gets the noggin working, and that some comspiracy theroies are on a path to the truth. Blind faith stagnates, friction causes evolution.

You go to school to learn, you leave to challenge what you know.


Re: Sorry, but... ludo214 January 30 2005, 23:57:59 UTC
in order to disprove a conspiracy you have to believe you have all the facts and that knowlage is freely exchanged between corperations, governent and citizen.

If it denies the laws of physics, then I need to look no further.
Distance and time are meerly a byproduct of human perception. Neither exist, they cannot scientifically, so explain to the world that time does not pass, does not exist, and they cannot move, but meerly percieve movement. It's all in their head. Undisputed facts, yes? Basic? Ok, so before you tell me it cannot be done, lets remember, much LESS probable things have been done.

Distance and time do exist without human perception both still exist. If you deny that then you deny all the laws of physics NOTHING would be what it seems or could possibly be. Even the least confining elements of super string theory will still acknowledge the existance of these dimensions.

We cannot predict weather, we cannot predict earthquakes, so please do not assume you can tell me what exactly happens to cause one, what it would take to (because face it, if an earthquake has never been made and we've never tried then we don't KNOW what it'd take thank you ladies and gentlemen, goodnight.) Yout theroy on why the other theroy does not work is purely theroitical. Your toothfairy cannot beat up mine ;)

One of the reasons we cannot predict earthquakes is because there is no monitoring of fault zones world wide. The San Andreas fault is the most monitored in the world and slowly we are getting better at predicting when one will occur. An earthquake is the result of a build of forces form the movement of the earths crust. We know the tectonic plates are moving because it can be measured. The resulting force builds up pressure on the crust until it snaps. The snapping will give off your standard seismic waves. The energy is conserved so that some goes toward plate motion while the rest goes toward vibration. WE CAN Create an earthquake. This is one of the methods used in subsurface geology. It is very useful for finding oil. WE know how much energy needs to be released for it to be on par with the great earthquakes, and we CANNOT do it.

We can predict the weather within reason. Hurricanes will occur in the late summer and fall. Tornadoes in late spring early summer. Just because you don't want to admit that you don't know much about the weather, geology, astrophysics, seismology, etc. doesn't mean that you can put unscientific conspiracy crap on the same level as legitimate science.


Re: Sorry, but... ludo214 January 30 2005, 23:58:15 UTC
Lets not forget one of the quakes I listed, the infamous LA quake was of diffrent frequency and ressonance than we've ever seen before, and the sismographs could not read it properly due to this.

If seismographs couldn't pick it up properly then there would be no known epicenter. It's really just a simple triangulation problem.

Secondly, there are some ways to focus energy and send it in a less "lossy" way. Lasers, satalite frequencys, even sound, some pitches carry better thru solid material than others, they expend energy less in travel.

The higher the energy the smaller the wavelength. You can focus the energy all you want, it doesn't give it more energy. Gamma is going to be the highest energy it is an electomagnetic wave. Plasma is a state of matter, it is as much a wavelength as liquid. There is no correlation.

Another popular theroy (the reason some buildings crumble in eathquakes and others dont) is ressonance. Some material resonates to certian frequencys. What is it a perfect C that can shatter glass? Finding the right frequency to cause this ressonence in the earth's plates could in theroy cause an earthquake.

The earths crust is not uniform. You need a uniform medium for resonance to accomplish this.

It's all theroy, some more popular than others. your theroy or relativity, a cherrished theroy accepted as fact is just a theroy! A thousand bombs of what magnatude? Are we taking WWII or 80's arms race bombs? Technology is racing exponentially right now, please don't assume it's 1973 still ;)

Just because it is an Idea doesn't mean it is a Theory. Theory must be tested via the scientific method and shown to be correct before it is accepted. You are associated common word usage of theory with the scientific term. 1,000 Thermonuclear bombs average strength. I believe you are the one assuming to know to much.


Re: Sorry, but... lifeintherain January 31 2005, 02:52:24 UTC
Where do I make a claim that any of the conspiracy's are fact, or even the ideas behind them? Just that they could be.

Bottom line is you're claiming faith in a science wich is a religion and negates itself repeatedly like anything in.

I see I insulted your faith, perhaps my journal is not for you if you are not willing to at least accept there are things science does not cover, and some things, existing within science you do not know.


Re: Sorry, but... lifeintherain January 31 2005, 02:36:28 UTC
If it denies the laws of physics, then I need to look no further.

wrong. The laws of physics are no more constant or proven than anything else. They are changing from time to time, degree by degree. They are not thousands of years old. They are just a faith we labled as science and sometimes are proven wrong.

We didn't believe we could get anything to move faster than the speed of light, that is until we did.

they do NOT exist. I thought this was basic stuff.
Between any two points there is a middle. All things can be cut in half, you can do this to the point of infinity.

Half of a half of a half of a half of a half of a half of a half of a millimetere still exists. That can be cut in half, and that again. That means in order to travel from one point to the next you have to cross an infinite ammount of points. No one can cross infinity as it has no end. This means either, in defiance of the laws of physics you hold to be absolute truths you cross infinity, or that your laws of physics do not account for everything. Seriously this is VERY basic philosophy.

Also take into account that the laws of physics only exist in this universe and many others may exist, therefor the law is not absolute. This is why Athiesm is flawed. A higher set of laws beyond man made science must exist.

WE CAN Create an earthquake. This is one of the methods used in subsurface geology. It is very useful for finding oil. WE know how much energy needs to be released for it to be on par with the great earthquakes, and we CANNOT do it.

I really want to give you more credit than this. Again I state, unless you have absolute knowlage of classified technology, can not make such statements. I say it can be done, we may not be able to do it yet, or perhaps we can, but it can be done, by something, somewhere... Be aware, not closed off.


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