(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 14:56

"I worry about the ultra-conservative direction that we're heading...about the aging supreme court justices that will need to be replaced. You can't legislate religion and morals regardless of what the conservatives believe."

A quote from the woman who first raised her eyebrows with me when the patriot act was passed.

My Mother. (Thank god I have some intelligent stock in me :P)

But her point is horrifying, and something I didn't fully consider as I should have. Bush will apoint a new supreme court. Bush....

Ya we know his goals are clear, and his motives are sure. Heres a video clip proving his goals in appointing new spupreme court justices. (and his lies)

Oh yes, all hail the one nation under Bush.

Lets not forget, that the Supreme Court Justices Bush Sr. had appointed decided GW Bush should be president in 2000 (despite Gore clearly winning the popular vote, and examination of florida would have shown he won the electoral college as well)

Now Jr. gets to appoint his own political footsoldiers to fuck our future, and don't forget the democrats lost power in congress. Can anyone say supreme power? Anyone?


I swear I'm not the sore looser, Bush does have the support of the (very very slim) majority of the people, and I respect that (if not the people) but I beleive GW Bush should be impeeched for what he did in his last term, the last election and this current one. I think he should see jail time for his lies, and illegal tactics.

He says let the eat cake and we do nothing.
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