Housekeeping and all that Jazz

Jan 01, 2012 19:14

Welcome to the journal set aside for my forays into the dark, dark world of fanfiction! The fanfics here are all centered on Johnny's Entertainment and primarily involve members of the bands Arashi, NEWS, Kanjani∞ and Kinki Kids.

I tend to write a lot of AU and stupidity and very little smut (so far), but please feel free to explore!

Master Fic List




Misc (i.e. throw a bunch of JE boys into a pot and stir!):

Drama Related:
  • Fervor (Serizawa Naoto (Maou)/Kitajima Daichi (Rescue)-- yeah, I don't know, either. >.>;, R, 3,529 words)
  • Inches and Falling (Drama Crossover, Yano Kenta (Ohno)/Suzuki Taiyou (Sho), PG, 11,160 words)


And here's my nifty little Prompt Table from je_prompts. Nothing here yet, but coming soon!

Last by not least, the handy dandy Fic Wish List.


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