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tinahyena November 11 2008, 02:59:52 UTC
omg now i'm really excited about this fic. i loved how nino and ohno met again in the exact same way they had the first time.

"Not that he was ungrateful for his life-far from it-he was just baffled why it had to be him when he knew deep down that someone like Sho would have been so much better suited to this life. People respected Sho, looked up to him for advice, while in general people just seemed grateful if Ohno was able to finish a conversation without getting distracted. Sho insisted, over and over again, that Ohno was cut out for this job and could, in fact, be a better emperor than his father and grandfather before him. He claimed that Ohno had some sort of insight into the world that he didn’t. Ohno might not have entirely disagreed with him, but he did know that no matter what sort of insights he had into the world he seemed to have an inability to properly convey them to anyone else. Words were just too hard to string together in a way that would make them understand."

this paragraph is just so in character. i love that oh-chan is emperor.

this fic kind of reminds me of another fic where sho and ohno are important samurai and nino, aiba and jun are servants... and that is probably the only similarities with that fic and this one. i think it's called equilibrium but i'm not absolutely sure.

why was nino called away to work at the palace? are we going to learn that bit of back story later on?


lifeinthebox November 11 2008, 03:11:20 UTC
Wah! Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it! I was hoping it wouldn't be too abrupt a transition from the prologue to the first chapter with the time span in between and the backstory that hasn't been covered yet. ^^;

And yes, there will be more about Nino's move to the palace later on, along with a bit of backstory for some of the other characters as well. ;)


tinahyena November 11 2008, 05:46:49 UTC
i didn't think it was abrupt at all. but then that's my opinion. when i read the first chapter the prologue just felt like nino was thinking about his life outside the walls as he was going to meet subaru to give him the money for his family. then you tie the prologue and the first chapter together so nicely by repeating that scene with ohno and nino just when they are older. Not giving the backstory keeps me interested and wanting to know more. i like trying to guess what happened.

i think it's fitting too cuz if you think about it, when nino met ohno as a child, that marked a change in his life because you mention that it's the last time he climbed over the wall. then now when nino meets ohno again, obviously something is going to change in there relationship otherwise you wouldn't have a story.


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