Dec 08, 2007 17:19
This is what it's coming down to.
My GA Position: All that is left is to create my last studyguide and set-up meeting times with all my students that are I know will be begging for my help (This is more of a wish than probably a reality. I wish my students came to see me more often.) Sadly, all my students (~90) have their finals on the very last day. So I have only around 48 hours to grade 90 finals. That sucks big time. Oh well. I haven't messed up big time yet... I can do it!!
Modern India: Edit an already amazing paper and I'm done! You go girl
Projected grade: A+
National Period: Finish my small paper (10 pages) and take the final. I think I will do fine.
Projected grade: A
Heresy in Medieval Europe: Finish reading my last book and my last presentation on Tuesday. I've improved ten-fold in that class. I have conquered my fear. Even though it's my lowest grade, its the one I'm most proud of.
Projected grade: B+
This is the way to rock out grad school. Yes it sucks. Yes there are huge fears. Yes it will eat your life and it seems like you never see the light of day. It's so different from undergrad because suddenly, you can't talk about your university as a collective whole. I have no idea what goes on at UNK, other than the history department. For all I know, I go to Copeland University (the name of my building I work and teach in).
But, I can't wait to have this semester behind me. Only better learning experiences are to come. Dec. 23.... HERE I COME!