Bracket Fever

Mar 06, 2008 23:32

So the Trident has published the hottest new thing on campus; probably the closest to legitimately risque college literature we've been in a long time, if not ever.
Honestly, I like some of the spirit of it, but I think the execution of the competition totally sucks.

It's a bracket.
The title at the center? "Worst Person Ever".

Two opinions columnists and unidentified committee created four "regions", and set up a bracket, "battling" people against each other in anecdotal form. They relate a few stories with questionable verity, then declare who moves on to the next round.

I think having a handful of people make up stories about a select group of people they don't like is crap.

Were I king, I would open up some kind of forum where the entire W&L community can submit anecdotes, reasons, etc, as to why this or that person is a complete ass. Take That information, put it all together, and then you have a weekly two-page article that's far more interesting And accurate.

I am definitely all for belief in human goodness. And when inGeneral (campus magazine) ran a vote for Most Awesome Person on Campus (they title it something different, but that's the jist), I absolutely submitted the names for some admirable folks. And I'm all for them getting recognized.

At the same time, I'm all for assholes getting called out. Because there are some people whose behaviour needs to be aired out. But mean-spirited falsehoods are not the way to go.

As it is, there's already a crew of people pissed off and protesting; I got an invite to the event "BracketBusters":

For those of you who read the "The Bracket" in the latest edition of the Trident, you'll know why we're doing this. If you haven't heard of it, the Trident published it's annual bracket of who's the worst person on campus.

Things were said that should never have been said by anyone, much less by students of Washington and Lee University. Even worse, some of the things said were outright lies.

We will meet tomorrow (Friday) at 11:05 in the Science Center Atrium, and head over to Dean Leonards office in order to protest the egregious lack of common courtesy and good taste on the part of certain members of the staff of the Trident

Last I looked, there were 9 people signed up to go. Of 200 invited.

The Bracket is an annual event, though I don't know for how many years. Of the 64 people singled out, I wonder how many of their parents have Trident subscriptions?
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