Feb 10, 2008 09:10
“All you need is Love”
The love movement created by "towriteloveonherarm" inspired me to do more. The whole concept was to literally write love on your arm the day before Valentines Day due to the excessive amounts of depression during this time of year. Also, the movement was designed for all people to have the opportunity to express their ideas of love. I felt more could be achieved and the idea of an assembly of people from all backgrounds, religions and lifestyles came to mind. Before school ON VALENTINES DAY we can meet at 6:30 in a designated location and go around in a circle sharing our thoughts on love. Each person (if comfortable) should prepare a quote, bible verse, and lyrics of a song, prayer, poem or thoughts on love. The idea is to bond in the name of love despite religious backgrounds. I personally will prepare one of each of the things listed and anyone/anything is welcome. Whether you just want to observe or say a few words. We all have used the statement “all you need is love” and it is far from being a cliché, lets really unite on a day that personifies so much more than a box of chocolates and a giant teddy bear.
P.S. If you are interested in this please let me know so I can get an idea if anyone wants to do it. I’m open to any ideas or criticisms as long as it remains constructive with out vulgarity. I need people that will for sure speak up and prepare something for that day. What do you all think?
-Lindsey Moore