back in new paltz/shadowland

Aug 10, 2008 13:00

the drive up is always exciting...for some reason i get a very twittery feeling in my stomache as i approach the new paltz exit these days - it's nice to be back.
At the same time it's weird. I's been a year since last i was here, and i feel kinda disconnected. I had some downtime yesterday, and realized i only had about one person i could calll to hang out who's actually still in new paltz. welrd.

Ok so I'm up here to do the show: GLORIOUS which is a story about Florence Foster Jenkins, the worst singer in the world.

I'm watching a run today - and the director is clearly not happy with what he's seeing (we've had a few conversations before so i knew this going in)
and at one point he passes me a note that says "kill me now"
and another "please"
and another "i'll pay"
and another "lots"

did i mention he's the artistic producer of the theatre as well?

Ok well regardless of all that, you know your working a good show when some of the lines are:

F - "if you ever need a new heart, my darling, rest assured i shall find it for you...The heart of a king or of an athlete.
St Clair- I've got a better idea- get me the heart of a theatrical producer .... I want one that hasn't been used!


S - oh don't worry about me. I've cheated death many times before.
D - you have?
S - Yes, i've had reviews that would have killed anybody!


D - oh dear. Cosme - have you ever done any Spanish?
C - No, but i have done the odd cuban...

ba dum ch!

and the bad jokes go on.

this is going to be a long week - but on with the show!
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