Fic - Give Us a F**king Clue, Gen, Green Cortina

Jan 24, 2008 12:03

TITLE: Give Us a F**king Clue
AUTHOR: Andromeda
FANDOM: Life on Mars
SUMMARY: There's been a murder. So what's behind door number three?
RATING: Green Cortina
WORD COUNT: 2,200 words
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This was written for the fiandyfic "one genre in the style of another" challenge. I volunteered a Life on Mars murder mystery in the style of a panel game. Need I warn for crack here??? With thanks to the filthy assistants darthfi and jantalaimon for the beta.
DISCLAIMER: Life on Mars is copyright Kudos and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Give Us a F**king Clue

fic type: gen, genre: crack, fic

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