Title: Coffin For Sam (13/13)
Author: dak
Word Count: 2067 this part; [20,992 overall]
Rating: blue cortina
Pairing: some heavy-handed Sam/Gene wink-wink/nudge-nudge, but no direct slashing of the boys
Warnings: angst, just a teeny-tiny bit o' blood
Spoilers: Set after 2.02, so consider anything before that fair game
Summary: When Sam has only 36 hours to
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Comments 118
A fantastic story. You really have the characters to a 't', but all this angst doesn't do them any good, you know. They need lots of loving ;)
Thank you.
*happy place*
And I love how you wrapped around to the beginning of the story, and then finally gave Gene that 'shy boy smile' that throws him for a loop. Oh, he's already figured it out, he just refuses to accept it. Can't blame him, there, really.
Marvelous. Now get on with Bonus Request. *smacks with bunny*
Love, MiKEs_Grrl
(And, uhm, I've sort of maybe written over 1300 words of your bunny and well, sh*t. It's dark. It's probably the darkest thing I've ever written or ever will write. It's...it's angsty. *needs to go cower in corner from self*)
*rubs hands together in glee*
Can't wait! Meanwhile I'm making Sam suffer Gene!rape. Oh, I think we are both working for re-instatement into the guild....
and awwwww to gene concerned about how much weight Sam had lost while unwell ... he lubs him .. *g*
I can go to bed happy now .. g'night 8^)
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