Title: Coffin For Sam (9/13)
Author: dak
Word Count: 1583 this part; [14,589 overall]
Rating: blue cortina
Pairing: some heavy-handed Sam/Gene wink-wink/nudge-nudge, but no direct slashing of the boys
Warnings: angst, just a teeny-tiny bit o' blood
Spoilers: Set after 2.02, so consider anything before that fair game
Summary: When Sam has only 36 hours to
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Comments 35
Anyway...thank you!
And dorsetgirl made the pic icon size for me and then made 4 separate pics, one of each of the boys, the cake, and the text that I can hopefully have made into an animated icon. Your sad Sam is just too brilliant not to be an icon.
And YAY for solid lead! Maybe Sam will make it after all. *hopes*
1. Really like how Heather is a bit more aggressive and hostile than Ruth; that reflects how their characters were portrayed in the series, and you captured that well.
2. I think it was a brilliant stroke to have Gene recognize himself in little Sammy before recognizing a trace of Sam. It explains some of their bond, those unknown histories that might mirror each other in so many odd and seemingly at-odd ways, but that are acutally complementary.
3. Gene trying for 'non-scary grown up voice' was adorable, and in true character (and I relate, because I'm terrible around kids, and that's exactly the kinds of thoughts I have).
Am loving this, all the way!
I suddenly realized I love Auntie Heather and would write a fic for her for the 1973flashfic challenge if I can finish this angsty mess in time. Crap, the bunny is forming in my mind even as I write this.
Man, I'm getting sidetracked today. Anywho, thank you so much for the comments!! I'm glad you picked that up about Gene because I've always thought the two of them had more in common over their daddy issues than we actually get to see.
I too, do not understand children but for some reason they like me even though I really prefer not to be around them and I can't figure out why.
More soon, please! My addiction to your fics is eating my brain!
Thank you so much! I'm trying to get this one finished as fast as I can.
You are very good at putting Sam in hospital. *narrows eyes* you better not kill him or Gene Hunt will beat you up.
I especially like the bit with little Sam.
Well, he's not dead yet, is he? I'll see what I can do...
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Glad you like XD
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