Title: Coffin For Sam (5/13)
Author: dak
Word Count: 1844 this part; [8306 overall]
Rating: blue cortina
Pairing: some heavy-handed Sam/Gene wink-wink/nudge-nudge, but no direct slashing of the boys
Warnings: angst, just a teeny-tiny bit o' blood
Spoilers: Set after 2.02, so consider anything before that fair game
Summary: When Sam has only 36 hours to
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Comments 33
Once it was all cleared, Gene stuffed the hanky away and Sam used the frame of the Cortina to get to his feet. His balance and coordination were notably worse than before. Gene remembered the note had said Tyler would have “no more than” thirty-six hours to live. At the rate Sam was going, it was looking like it could be significantly less than that.
(Oh, one correction: “Here that, Sammy-boy?---should be hear)
(And I fixed it. Thanks!)
As with the previous parts, this instalment is well written and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to more! :)
Another wonderful installment! And I rather like all this winking and nudging going on...;) Sam smiled. Gene noticed he still hadn’t moved his hand. He lowered it to Sam’s shoulder instead. If he let go, he thought he might lose him. Aww! :D
Sam really is getting worse, isn't he?! I hope they find the would/will-be killer soon, and he better have an antidote!
Sam is on a slow decline but the Gene Genie always gets his man. Doesn't he? ;)
Okay they need to hurry up and fix him as soon as possible. As always your interaction between Gene and Sam is spot on. And the tension / pain is starting to really build up.
Thank you!
can't wait for the next bit :)
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