Title: Coffin For Sam (4/13)
Author: dak
Word Count: 1755 this part; [6462 overall]
Rating: blue cortina
Pairing: Okay, I admit it, there's some heavy-handed Sam/Gene wink-wink/nudge-nudge, especially in this part, but no direct slashing of the boys
Warnings: angst, just a teeny-tiny bit o' blood
Spoilers: Set after 2.02 (yeah, I've changed it), so
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Comments 20
What I really like is how protective Gene is of Sam, even unconsciously. I'm not throwing slash in if you aren't, but I can see it even as an 'older brother' type of instinct in Gene, which is so endearing.
Also appreciate the humiliation Sam feels; being sick IS humiliating, and scary, and makes you feel so helpless, and Sam crying on the floor is something most people who have been through a serious illness can relate too. He wants to do his job, hell he just wants to pee, but he can't, and that is the most wretched feeling in the world. Thanks for that, because it makes the situation real and tense, to me.
No one makes me break out the sad Wilson of Doom like you do!
And I don't know where the slash is going to lead. I know where the unimportant things like plot and story are but how much slash will actually develop is still up in the air.
Oh, and really, that Delgado line was a low blow--but pure Gene (but I did like the reference)
I physically cringed when I wrote the Delgado line and had to keep myself from deleting it because I knew saying it wouldn't have bothered Gene.
Thank you!
Another great instalment, loving this series! Looking forward to more.
Thank you?
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