Well, after getting such a positive response, I'm definitely continuing this story!
Chapter Title: Highway in the Sky, Part B
Author: Quod Scripsi
Rating: Blue Cortina for mild slash (Gene/Sam)
Summary: A hideous triple murder leads Sam and the rest of CID on a spiralling investigation into Manchester's seedy and glittering underbelly.
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Thanks again for the comment!
PS: Completely off-topic, but will we be getting a new Jabberwocky chapter soon? I'm going through withdrawls... ;-)
And there will definitely be more Jabberwocky soon - work has been a bit hectic of late, so I've barely had time to pop in and catch up on comments and such, plus I've had a few short fics to finish that I promised a few people, but I swear, I haven't given up on it, and I'm really hoping on having a lot more posted by the end of December (at least five parts, I hope). The big project at work is nearing completion, so I should have more time soon... Sorry abotu the wait...
*butts out*
The frame set-up and artwork in V is one of my big inspirations for this comic (the other would probably be the equally lovely Road to Perdition)and I'm constantly drawn to Lloyd's use of strong shadows in his work. He does seem to pack in so much detail without being cluttered in his panels. In fact, our dear Mickey White here was based heavily on Mr. Finch in V. Lloyd manages to create characters that have such "ordinary" looking faces that they sort of stand out when placed in a comic.
I thought I recognized Finch but I didn't want you to think that I'm a complete nutter... just an incomplete one. :D
I used to write "V for Vendetta" fan fiction
Probably the one thing that I love the most about V's artwork is that it seems like it should be "dated", but yet it fits so perfectly into the period they set it in. Seriously, if the events of V panned out IRL, it seems that 1997 would look just like it did in the comic. I never feel like I'm reading something that was written in the 80s.
Everyone always talks about V4V as Moore's work and they don't pay enough attention to the fact that Moore himself says so many of the major visual points were decided by Lloyd.I know! Hell, wasn ( ... )
I agree totally that the work is not dated -- In that regard it is like any other good novel. So many graphic novels end up dating badly.
He does a lot of "guest" work for people. His last full length piece was Kickback, which he also wrote.
You can see some pages from it here:
I didn't catch Mr. Finch at all, but then again, it's been far too long since I last read V or Watchmen... *adds to list of things to do once Jabberwocky is done*
I definitely love the artwork and distinctive styles of both V and LoXG, and I love the way that LoXG allows itself to simply follow a panel-by-panel format, just like quod_scripsi is using here and like the ones that were used in V and "The Watchmen."
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