Title: Suck it and See
angeweeksSpoilers: None
Word Count: 2621
Pairing: Sam/Gene
Rating: Brown Cortina. A bit kink, a bit slash, a bit rude. In equal measures.
Disclaimer: I wish they did belong to me, as I would shrink them in the oven like crisp packets and keep them in my pants. Alas, the BBC pwns my ass.
Summary: Why not try
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Comments 23
I love the way you write, the smuttyness is so damn hot but the whole fic is brilliant, funny, well written. I just adore this Sam/Gene. (maybe I'm just as kinky as Sammy *blush*) :D
You also write a good kink or six(*). You even got in a reference to a pub teatowel - I yayed at that! (Is yayed a word? A verb meaning "to exclaim 'Yay' in surprise and delight).
Gene's voice became softer, and slower, and felt to Sam as if it was flowing around his bloodstream and pumping straight to his cock. Oh God, that is brilliant. What amazing words.
You're very good at this; and is Gene really going to let Sammy come all over his coat?? I can hardly wait.
* six kinks: teatowel; Gene's kink for sex!scented!Sam; mintycock; gloves; Sammy obeying orders; coat. Or have I missed any?
I think you covered all the kinks; when you said six it made me think of that "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game - something along the lines of Six Kinks of Samuel Tyler, hee.
And thank you, I am glad you liked it. All will be revealed with the coat, mwah ha ha... :P
And as for the six kinks of Sam Tyler, well - Someone Needs To Write It - oh wait, you just did. Or was that just your six kinks?
This article explains it much better than I do...
Well. I think there are a multitude of kinks I haven't yet covered...as to whether the above kinks were mine, I refuse to comment for fear I may incriminate myself ;)
*fans self*
Eagerly awaiting the coat!kink
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I always had my suspicions about that Tyler and his kinks... ;)
You may well wear that evil grin...you're giving me ideas now...
*evil grin too*
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