Ficathon 2007: Necessary Evil 1/2, brown Cortina, by Elf.

Aug 31, 2007 00:05

Title: Necessary Evil 1/2

Author: Elf

Word Count: About 14,000...this part.

Rating: Brown Cortina for language.

Pairing: Ray/Chris, some Sam/Gene if you squint later but mainly plot-based fic with little pairing action.

Summary: The best laid schemes of Mice and Men
oft go awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
A/N: Written for the very patient pill_so_sweet I'm terribly sorry it's late - the reasons why are long and boring. I'm also rather afraid that this is indeed part one of two. And part two will be forthcoming next week. I beg further forgiveness, but I hope you'll all read and enjoy this bit. I thought that something was better than nothing. Some of you may disagree. The prompt I worked from was thus:

Ray/Chris, Tough love, Potential.

I hope I have gone some way to satisfying it.

My fiancé demands credit for this fic too, as he did help with some historical stuff and let me plot at him and helped me out generally. So jonboy1 is my long suffering fiancé whose girlfriend should be planning their wedding instead of writing fic, or getting published so they can move to New Zealand.

And I must thank my wonderful beta, who worked under demanding conditions as I careered through deadlines with gay abandon. All mistakes that remain are mine and mine alone. nebula99, I couldn't have done it without you.

Part One A can be found here

Part One B can be found here

Who knew you couldn't post it in one go? I'm sure I've posted longer things than that before...

pairing: chris/ray, fic, ficathon 2007, fic type: slash

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